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Annual General Meeting 12/2024

Verbio SE, Zörbig



Invitation to the virtual Annual General Meeting


Virtual Annual General Meeting 12/2024

The virtual Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday, December 6, 2024 at 10:00 am (CET), in the Marriott Hotel, Am Hallischen Tor 1, 04109 Leipzig. We cordially invite our shareholders to take part in electronic form by using the link to the "Investor Portal". 


  1. Presentation of the adopted annual financial statements of Verbio SE and the approved consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2023/2024. Presentation of the management report and the combined integrated Group management report for Verbio SE and the explanatory report of the Management Board on the disclosures pursuant to Sections 289 a, 315 a HGB and the report of the Supervisory Board, each for the financial year 2023/2024
  2. Resolution for the appropriation of the retained earnings for the financial year 2023/2024
  3. Resolution to give formal approval to the actions of the Management Board for the financial year 2023/2024
  4. Resolution to give formal approval to the actions of the Supervisory Board for the financial year 2023/2024
  5. Resolution on the proposal to appoint the auditors of the financial statements and auditors of the consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2024/2025
  6. Resolution on the proposal to appoint the auditor for sustainability reporting for the 2024/2025 financial year
  7. Resolution to approve the system of remuneration for members of the Management Board (remuneration system 2025; valid from 7/2025)
  8. Resolution to approve the remuneration report prepared and audited in accordance with § 162 AktG for the financial year 2023/2024

All documents concerning the virtual annual general meeting as well as the link to the "InvestorPortal" can be found on the Company’s German language website (in the German language only) under https:www.verbio.de/hauptversammlung/.

Link to the annual report 2023/2024 in the English language

Link to the renumeration report 2023/2024 in the English language


Speech by Claus Sauter, Chief Executive Officer, to the Verbio SE Annual General Meeting

Speech by CEO to the Verbio Annual General Meeting December 6, 2024