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Press Releases

The VERBIO subsidiary XiMo Hungary Kft and Givaudan Swiss SA announce the successful development of a catalyst and a process to synthesize a fragrance ingredient. The companies have collaborated to...

VERBIO hosts the 4th Annual 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb at its plant and donated more than USD 15,000 to local fire fighters. With this event the community honors the first responders who selflessly...

Meet America`s new player in the bioenergy and agriculture industry at the Farm Progress Show.

New structure strengthens focus on regions instead of on segments. Bundling the Group’s technology competence with the formation of a new technology department. Finance department transferred from CEO...

Inauguration of the new RNG production facility in Nevada (Iowa). Plant will achieve full-scale production in summer 2022. VERBIO technology sets new standards in the USA.

Ulrike Kurze
Head of Global Marketing & Communications

Verbio SE
T: +49 176 13085404
E-Mail: ulrike.kurze@verbio.de


Erik Fritzsche
External PR Consultants
WeichertMehner GmbH & Co. KG
T: +49 351 50140208
E-Mail: verbio@weichertmehner.com