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Press Releases

Claus Sauter, CEO of VERBIO Vereinigte BioEnergie AG, lends a hand and helps with the straw harvest in Brandenburg.

Bioethanol and glycerine from our own production are also processed into disinfectants during the corona crisis. First deliveries go to pharmacies in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg. Further...

With regard to the coronavirus pandemic VERBIO applied comprehensive measures to ensure its business going on in administration, production and logistics.

At today’s annual general meeting of shareholders held in Leipzig the Management Board of VERBIO Vereinigte BioEnergie AG commented on the reported figures for the financial year 2018/2019.

EBITDA at EUR 95.1 million, up 112.3 percent compared to the previous year. Proposed dividend of EUR 0.20 per qualifying share. Production of biomethane exceeds 700 GWh for the first time. Number of...

Ulrike Kurze
Head of Global Marketing & Communications

Verbio SE
T: +49 176 13085404
E-Mail: ulrike.kurze@verbio.de


Erik Fritzsche
External PR Consultants
WeichertMehner GmbH & Co. KG
T: +49 351 50140208
E-Mail: verbio@weichertmehner.com