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Biomethane is a renewable energy source which can be used in multiple ways, including power generation, heating or as a biofuel. It can be produced from various agricultural raw materials and residues. In particular, it can be made from agricultural residues, such as manure, slurry, organic waste and straw.

As an advanced 2nd generation biofuel verbiogas is a renewable energy source that does not compete with food.  It is made from slop - a residue from bioethanol production - and from straw. Digested residue conduces as a bio-fertilizer for agriculture.

After fermentation the biogas is purified and conitioned to to the quality of natural gas and fed into the existing natural gas grid. In fact biomethane has the same chemical composition as natural gas. Both can be mixed to any extend. Biomethane is the most efficient (bio)fuel there is. It has a much higher energy density than any other fuel. Compared to gasoline biomethane reduces CO2 emissions by up to 90% and fuel costs by ca. 50%.

Four big bales of straw (two tonnes of straw) transformed into biomethane provide enough biofuel to run a mid-class CNG car for a whole year (ca. 11,500 km).

Production of verbiogas

verbiogas is produced in an entirely new type of bio-refinery. It is made exclusively from agricultural waste such as distillery slop, a by-product of bioethanol production, and straw. No foodstuffs are used.

The raw materials are fermented in big fermenters with a capacity of 8,000 to 10,000 cubic metres. The biomass is left in the fermenters with the addition of bacteria for about 30 to 150 days. During fermentation, raw biogas is produced comprising about 60% methane. It also contains carbon dioxide, sulphur and inorganic elements, which are removed in the next steps in first a desulphurization plant and then a CO2 capture plant. The inorganic components are also removed.

The resulting biomethane with a purity of 99% is then fed into the natural gas grid. Ammonium sulphate solution, straw humus, phosphate and potassium are also produced and can be used as organic fertilizer.

VERBIO received the Biogas Innovation Prize for the technological development of mono-Fermentation of slop from the dena Germany Energy Agency.

VERBIO sells verbiogas als BioCNG and BioLNG at own and at partner filling stations throughout Germany.

Fuel from straw: CO2 neutral with #StrawinTank

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Your contact person

Heinz-Peter Küppers
Vertrieb / Handel

Verbio SE
T: +49 341 308530-0
E-Mail: vertrieb@verbio.de